

 25歳という若さで、パリのディストリビューション/レコードショップyoyakuのオーナーを務め、複数のレーベルのA&Rを務め、さらには自身でアーティスト活動も行う。しかも、欧州のミニマル/ディープハウスシーンの新星として世界的注目を集めている。彼の名前はVarhat。4月に初来日公演を東京・CIRCUS Tokyo(7日)と大阪・ CIRCUS(8日)で行うが、まだまだ謎多き彼の魅力を探るため本人に取材を行った。今回は、英文も掲載。

Interview: Len Tajima (#FLUX)



——まずは自己紹介をお願いします。(Please introduce yourself to our readers in Japan.)

フランスを拠点にDJとプロデューサーをしているVincent(Varhat)です。パリで始めたレコードショップ/ディストリビューションyoyakuのオーナーで、AKUやYoY、YYY series、HostomなどのレーベルのA&Rもしているよ。

My name is Vincent, I am a DJ and producer based in France. I co-own yoyaku, and launched a record shop in Paris. I am also in charge of the artistic direction(A&R) of several record labels(AKU, YoY, YYY series, Hostom...).

——あなたの音楽的なバックグラウンドを教えてください。また、影響を受けたアーティストがいれば教えてください。(What is your background in music? What was your inspiration in pursuing music? Are there any “music figure” who inspired you?)


I have been interested in music-making since I was sixteen, and decided at 20 to pursue it professionally as it was the only thing I was really able to do.All sorts of electronic music and artists have been sources of inspiration.




——yoyakuはレーベル名やリリース作品のアートワークなどから日本のエッセンスを感じます。どのような日本のカルチャーに影響を受けましたか。(Yoyaku has a lot of references to Japan. One can guess it from the name "yoyaku" itself, and some of yoyaku’s artworks and titles. What part of Japanese culture inspires you?)


Indeed, we have been truly inspired by the minimalist aesthetic of the Japanese culture and its spirit as a whole. For instance, we love the beauty of Japanese writing. Besides, it is also funny for us to pick names that have mysterious meanings for our public(outside of Japan that is to say)

——yoyakuがヴァイナルオンリーのリリースにこだわる理由は何ですか?(Can you tell us what motivated yoyaku to release music only through vinyl?)


In my opinion the best tribute for an artist making electronic music is to have his work on vinyl, and to be listened or played by other ones via this material.



——私はあなたのプロダクトにとても折衷主義を感じます。あなたがこの多様性を得た背景に、レコードを掘り起こしている姿を想像するんです。仮に、あなたのプロダクションを“抽出”と“構築”に分けるとしたら、どのように説明しますか?(I find your productions very eclectic. I guess you acquired this diversity from digging records. If we break it down into two parts; extraction and construction, how would you explain your development?)


I can't explain eclecticism through this prism. There's no scientific formula for it.When you listen to multiple styles of music, you feed your imagination. Depending on your sensitivity, you might unconsciously assimilate all these influences. It is a life-long process! On the other hand, you will create and work consciously, driven by your technical skillset and knowledge of possible combinations.All in all, what you chose to "extract" is guided by your imagination.

(I believe you have a spot-on taste in music groove, especially in hypnotic synth sound. Can you tell us what is your usual production environment, and how your imagination works to create music?)


I make music in my own studio in the countryside. I like this relationship with nature.I find my inspiration in the fusion of different cultures and people. It's also why I like discovering new cultures and different visions of life.



——DJプレイ中であなたがもっとも高揚した瞬間を教えてください。(What was your best memory while DJ-ing?)


The best moment is when I feel the crowd connecting to the music, as if they were entering a spiral.

——現在のフランスのダンスミュージックシーンについてどう感じていますか。(How do you feel about the Dance music scene in France nowadays?)


I think there are a lot of talented producers in France. I don't think that we can still define a “French Touch”, but there is definitely a European style due to the interaction between countries and artists.

——パリでは幅広いカルチャーが関わってますよね。音楽以外のカルチャーで興味があることはありますか。(Paris is renowned for its wide cultural offering. Do you have any interests other than music?)


I am passionate about digital technologies and innovation in general, but also astronomy, food, sports and philosophy.




——あなたの今後のプロジェクトを教えてください。(Can you tell us about your upcoming projects?)


Since our various launches, we have discovered super talented artists that we want to assist and develop through releases on our labels. I am also working on my album that will be released later this year.

——意欲的な若いアーティストが、あなたのように複数の肩書きをもって活躍できるように何かアドバイスをいただけますか?(What's your advice to multitalented young aspiring artists?)


If they are convinced they are made for this, they should take the plunge and work as hard as possible to make it their full time occupation.

——日本のファンにメッセージをお願いします。また、初来日にあたってのプランを教えてください。(What's your message to your fans in Japan? What are your plans for your upcoming visit in our country?)

日本のみなさんに会えることを楽しみにしてるよ。一緒に素敵な時間を過ごそうね! 日本には、レーベルパートナーのBenjaminと1週間ほど滞在するんだけど、できるだけ多くの場所に足を運んで、美味しい日本食を食べて、さらに深い日本のカルチャーを見つけたいね。日本のリアルなストリートスタイルには本当に興味があるんだ。それと、今企画しているジャパニーズエレクトロニックミュージックのシーンに関するドキュメンタリーのために、現地の人に会う予定だよ。

I am looking forward to meeting Japanese people. And spend a good moment together! I will stay a week in Japan, with my bro Benjamin (the other part of yoyaku). We are planning to visit as many places as we can, eat great food, and discover more of your culture. I am also super curious about Japanese streetstyle.We are also going to meet people here for an upcoming documentary about the Japanese electronic music scene.



- Event Information -
タイトル:#FLUX meets yoyaku with Varhat
会場:CIRCUS Tokyo(東京都渋谷区渋谷3-26-16)
料金 : DOOR 3,000円  U-23 2,500円
出演者:Varhat(yoyaku, Paris/FR), Yasu(ARTEMIS / Fasten Musique Concrete), Len Tajima b2b Karuta(#FLUX), Sin(GOLDENHOUR RECORDS), UMEZO(KAMOME SOUND SYSTEM), tropi(SUNSET DRIVER)


タイトル:COSS feat. Varhat
会場:CIRCUS(大阪府大阪市中央区西心斎橋1-8-16 中西ビル2F)
料金 : DOOR 2,500円+1D  ADV 2,000円+1D
出演者:Varhat(yoyaku, Paris/FR), Satoshi Otsuki(Vis Rev Set /Tresvibes Soundsystem), MiTSUYAS, Koichi
