Auntie Aubrey's Excursions Beyond The Call Of Duty pt.3 (THE ORB REMIX PROJECT)

Auntie Aubrey's Excursions Beyond The Call Of Duty pt.3 (THE ORB REMIX PROJECT)
アンビエント、ダブ・テクノシーンのレジェンドThe Orbがリミックスを施したトラックをコンパイルしたファン垂涎の好企画『Auntie Aubrey's Excursions Beyond The Call Of Duty』のシリーズ三作目が遂にリリース! Pt.1, Pt.2共に今では入手困難となった曲をOrbがリミックスしたとあって、シーンで話題をさらった当シリーズ。今回もColdcutやSystem7にYouthなど影響力のあるアーティストから謎に包まれたアーティストのトラックをOrbの多様な音楽性で表現・リミックスしている。全22曲・2枚組CDコンピレーション。30年の歳月を経てもなお愛されている時空を超えたクラシックから新作に未発表のトラックが詰めこまれた必聴盤。
(Norihiko Kawai)


 1. Coldcut + Hex - Timber (Super Saragossa Orb Remix)
 2. OMFO - Sirtaki On Mars (The Orb vs High Frequency Bandwidth Remix)
 3. System 7 - Davy Jones' Locker (The Orb Mix)
 4. Transmission - Dance Alone (The Legend of a Visiting Orb, Visiting From Another Time & Place Remix)
 5. David Harrow - Steppers (Housewives on LSD Remix)
 6. Francesca Lombardo - Call Me Wrong (The Orb's It's Okay Not To Be Okay Remix)
 7. The Gyuto Monks Of Tibet - Legend of The Yogi (The Orb's Garden Of Knowing The Ambient Mix)
 8. Sendelica, Secret Knowledge, The Orb - Windmill (The Orb Chocolate Dubbed Mix)
 9. Duende India Collective - Escapology (The Psychedelic Cathedral of Southern England Has Died, Long Live The Psychedelic Cathedral - Epically Orb Mix)
10. Youth & Gaudi - Four Horsemen (The Orbs Uraniborg Castle In The Sky Remix)
11. Killing Joke - European Super State - The Orb vs Youth Remix (Church of the Open Sky and Holy Fool Dub)
12. DF Tram - Lover's Radio (The Orb’s Bravo Foxhole Remix)
13. David Harrow - Revolution ft. Bim Sherman (The Orb remix)
14. The Lost Stoned Pandas - The Great Lockdown Of 2020 (The Orbs Freedom Over Fear Mix)
15. N.O.I.A - Time is Over Me (Gaudi & The Orb Remix)
16. Sarmacja - Olimpijczyk (The Orb's Oak Island Remix)
17. The Orb Vs Youth - Conscienta ftg Lara Smiles (Secret Ways of Bees Dub Mix)
18. Violeta Vicci - Long Farewell (The Orb’s Laughing Chicks Mix)
19. Transit Kings - The Last Lighthouse Keeper (The Orb Mix)
20. Phone Chat Line
21. Conscienta ftg Lara Smiles (Secret Ways of Bees Dub Mix) (Preview edit)
22. Davy Jones' Locker (The Orb Mix) (Preview Edit)