

Wildthings Records

厳選された音源は最新のテクノロジーにと厚みのある太いビートに繊細で色鮮やかな高音群を絡みつかせ、立体感溢れるSoundへと昇華させる。ハイクオリティーな音に対して、圧倒的存在感を見せつけるmixは、毎回マニアまでも唸らせ聴くものを音の桃源郷へと導く孤高のDJである。BooM! Records、Phar Psyde Recordsに続き、イギリスロンドンを拠点とするWildthings Records日本代表として活躍!彼は本当に日本のナイトグルーヴィーなシーンから何年にもわたって出てきた最も才能のあるアンダーグラウンドDJの一人です。 彼に会いに行きなさい。 同意すると思います。

In a nutshell, the sound of MOTHERSHIP is a delicately matured hard-liner!!
The sound source selected is further refined by the latest technology and the colorful bass-driven groove, entwined with the thick psychedelia, into a set full of three-dimensional effect.
Mothership is well loved in the Japanese underground scene for his no nonsense, relentless approach, blasting hard-ass bass into his listeners.
He is known as a poker-faced assassin, delivering deadly, sneaky basslines to those who think he is pleasant. They are wrong. His goblinuality is rare in the Japanese scene, that’s for sure.
He recently joined Wildthings Records (finally!!), following BooM! and Phar Psyde Records.
He is truly one of the most talented underground DJs to come out of the Japanese Night groovy scene for ages. Go see him. I think you’d agree.