Astrixの出演にあたり、ageHaのエグゼクティブプロデューサーでありDANCE ON THE PLANETの主宰でもある小張氏がメールインタビューを行なった。
久しぶりだねAvi。オゾラの暑い夏が待ち遠しいよ。ageHaとDANCE ON THE PLANETからのオファーを受けてくれてありがとう。コロナの影響があったこの約2年間、生活や環境に変化があったと思うけど、どう過ごしていたのかな?
First off, the influence of corona has created big changes in our lives and environment over the last two years. How have you been? And how did you spend your time during this period?
レーベルに注力したり、Astrixとしてのアルバム制作にも時間を使っているけど、新しい冒険としてOmri Sasiと一緒に「Moonclipse」というプロジェクトネームでテクノも作り始めているよ。実はもうすでに数曲完成しているんだ。
Of course it was a huge change for me. I moved from playing 3-5 parties every week and flying all over the globe to being at home with no direct connection with the people who dance to my music. First, I used it to take a break from music, spend time and reconnect with my kids and family. But later I started a new project, more Techno oriented, under the name Moonclipse with Omri Sasi. We have a few tracks already and it has been a very interesting adventure. I spent more time developing Shamanic Tales, and lately zooming in on the new Astrix album process.

This is ageHa's final anniversary—it's 19th—before it permanently closes.
Do you have any comments regarding the club's closure? It would be great to get a message from you.
AgeHa has been one of my favourite clubs on the globe through the years. It always has an amazing sound experience, every party there is a top production, and the team is just an amazing team - always among the most professional people I had the pleasure to work with. I am very sorry that a club like that needs to close down, I think it has been a global landmark for dance music culture, and I hope that the club will reinvent itself again and reincarnate somehow.
Please tell us if you have a memorable episode in ageHa.
常に思い出すのは、自分のブラザーと言えるAce VenturaのYoniと2人でAlpha Portalとして出演した時の事。イベントはフルにオーディエンスがいて、素晴らしい雰囲気だった。日本のダンスフロアの空気はいつも特別な物だけど、この時の事は何故か心に特に印象が残っている。
The last AgeHa gig together with my brother Ace Ventura and our collaborative project Alpha Portal was something I will always remember, a sold out event, and a really unbelievable Japanese vibe that is unparalleled.

Originally we wanted you to come to Tokyo and perform, but it's became a streaming event.
Tthis interactive real-time streaming is trying to realize a system that allows call and response like Zoom meetings and chats. (Realistic delay up to 3 seconds.) What do you expect from this new form of hybrid streaming?
This is the first time I'm going to be part of something interactive like that. I'm of course very sorry that I can't come to Japan, one of my favorite destinations, but we need to do the best with what we have and I always like to experiment with new things, so I'm curious and looking forward to it and I'm quite sure the energies will be strong enough to bridge the distance.
Please tell us if you have any concept for about your set this time.
Every set is a new adventure, a new tale. I know how it starts, but it evolves with the crowd and the atmosphere. This time it's going to be different, but I feel I know ageHa and Japan's dancing tribe well enough so it will rock.

This time, Govadahn who works on cover art such as Astrix etc, he is making a graphic art of the event in which you will appear.
How did you get to know him and ask him to make cover art?
Please tell the story.
Govardhan is one of the most talented guys I ever had the privilege to work with. He is a real visionary with a unique perception and approach. I have seen the development of his vision over the years and I'm blessed to be able to have such an artist as part of my artistic process, and I have a feeling there's still a lot to see from him, as he's really just starting to realize his potential.
ここ最近、Shamanic Taleのレーベルとしてイベントを行ったり、レーベルとしての活動が増えていますが、Shamanic TaleのマークはageHaと同じ蝶ですよね?Shamanic Taleのコンセプトや、名前の由来など、レーベルについて教えてほしい。
In recent years, events have been held as a your label of Shamanic Tale, and activity as a label has increased, but the mark of Shamanic Tale is the same butterfly as ageHa, isn't it? Please tell us about the label, such as the concept of Shamanic Tale and the origin of the name.
Shamanic Taleを始めたきっかけは、より自分の総合的なアーティストとしてのカラーを打ち出すためだった。音楽だけじゃなく、アートやマーチャンダイズなども含めて一つのパッケージとして世に出すためにも必要だった。FM Bookingと、VJのGlobal Illumination、Illuminaughtyと一緒にこの前ロンドンで初めてのショーケース的なパーティーを開催したんだけど、すごくエキサイティングで進展していくプロジェクトだと確信したよ。そして、そう。我々はアゲハの皆と同じく、宙に舞う蝶を追う者。
Shamanic Tales Records started as I felt it was time I had my own arena to showcase my musical and artistic visions. Apart from music and our own special merchandise we are also in the process of developing Shamanic Nights, a very special event concept together with FM Booking, Global Illumination and Illuminaughty. We had a test drive a couple of weeks ago in London that was very special. I'm very excited and can just recommend you stay tuned to what we do, as a lot of amazing things are on their way. And yes, we follow the flight of the butterfly :-)
Please tell us about your future development as a label and also recommend artists.
レーベルとして今いくつかのプロジェクトが進行していて、EitanのOut of Orbitの新曲がリリースされることは勿論、日本のSpectra SonicsやOxiDaksiがアルバムをリリースするべく制作をしている。イスラエルのアーティストRising DustやSamraのシングルリリースなども控えているよ。Alpha Portalとしてコンピレーションも出す予定で楽しみにしていて欲しいな!
Well, a lot of things are in process, more new music from Out of Orbit, Spectra Sonics from Japan just started work on an album for us, OxiDaksi are working on an album, another new release from Rising Dust is coming this weekend after the release of their album, a first single from Samra, and there's a new Alpha Portal compilation the works. We are not limiting ourselves to any specific style or musical direction and all musical tales are welcomed if we connect to them.
I think the last He: art was an album that represented the psychedelic trance scene of the 2010s.
Please let us know if you have any thoughts on your next album.
Well, as I said, I started zooming in on the next album. An album for me is always a long process and a journey, and involves a lot of work, search for inspiration and interactions with other artists, be it musicians or visual artists. I already have a core of 3-4 tracks in the works, but there is still a road to travel and things will shape up as I progress, I'm as curious as anyone to know where it will all lead me to.
Astrix - Shamanic Tales
今回は、Shamanic TaleのレーベルメイトであるOut of Orbit (Eitan)と一緒に出演してもらうんだけど、Eitanとの出会いや印象に残ることがあれば聞かせて。
This time Shamanic Tale's label mate, Out of Orbit (Eitan) perform too,
Please tell us about your encounter with Eitan and any memorable things.
Eitanはもう何年もずっと仲が良い友人のひとりだ。LOUDとして活動していた時も一緒にプレイしたり制作も共にしたよ。 彼はとても特別なアーティストであり、常に人とは違う独自の道を切り開いている。常に彼の生み出す音は表現に忠実。ShamanicTalesを始める時に最初に声をかけたんだけど、Out of Orbitのアルバムをリリースできたことを非常に誇りに思っている。 本当に唯一無二のサイケデリックミュージックに触れるためにも、Out of Orbitの作品を聞いて欲しい。
I've known Eitan for years and we played together through the years when he was part of Loud and also collaborated a few times. I think Eitan is a very special artist and musician who always carves his own special path and always stays true to his art. He was one of the first people I approached when I started Shamanic Tales and I'm very proud that we have released the first Out of Orbit album. I really recommend you to dive into this album where Eitan hosts some of the heroes of our culture for a truly special psychedelic musical adventure.
僕はageHaがクローズした後もDANCE ON THE PLANETとしての活動を続けたいと考えているんだけど、その活動に何を期待するか教えてくれるかな?
Obari wants to continue his activities as DANCE ON THE PLANET even after ageHa closes. Please tell us if you have any expectations for the activities of Obari and DANCE ON THE PLANET.
Obari-san, I think everyone in the global Psytrance culture has big hopes for Dance on the Planet. It is no secret that for quite a few years the Japanese Psytrance tribe has been very quiet. This has changed in the last years and you were a big part of that. Parties in Japan are so special and important so I sure hope DOTP is just starting! I can vision a Dance on the Planet outdoors festival ;-)
As the last question, Do you have a message for Japanese fans?
Mainly sending you all big love. The Japanese crowd is so special, Japanese Psytrancers always stand out on all festivals and bring a very special energy to every event, and Japan always feels like home when I come and it gets more and more like this over the years. People are so welcoming and loving. I just realized that it is actually 20 years since my first visit and I can't wait for the next 20 years :-)

Photo by Kenta Umeda
ageHa 19th Anniversary "The Final"
2021.11.6 Sat. OPEN - CLOSE:23:00 - 06:00
料金 DOOR / 当日 : ¥4,500
ADVANCE / 前売:GA / 通常前売 ¥3,800 (11/5 23:59まで販売)
配信チケット ¥1,500
・ageHa WEBサイトイベントページ
■More about Astrix
■More about Shamanic Tales Records