
Telefon Tel Aviv、Charlie Cooperが逝去

ニュー・オーリンズ出身、 アナログサウンドやボーカル、生楽器を心地良い温度で調和させることのできるエレクトロニカユニットTelefon Tel Avivの方翼、Charlie Cooperが、今月22日に逝去した。

現在、Telefon Tel AvivのMySpaceには、もう1人のメンバーであるJoshua Eustisにより、Charlie Cooperが生前、偉大で天才的な音楽家であるとともに、誰からも愛される一人の人間として、存在していたことが綴られている。

Ellen Allien率いるBPitch Controlからのアルバムのリリースが決まった矢先の、突然の訃報はただただ悲しいとしか表しようがないが、Charlie Cooperが残した、たくさんの暖かい旋律は、これからも世界中の人々の心に響き続けることだろう。



Telefon Tel Aviv Myspace より引用/Joshua Eustisからのメッセージ

このことをみなさんにお伝えするのは非常に胸が痛みますが、Telefon Tel Avivでの僕のパートナーであるチャーリー・クーパーが1月22日にこの世を去りました。





Hello, Everyone.

It breaks my heart to inform you all that Charlie Cooper, my better half in Telefon Tel Aviv, passed away on January 22nd.

We have been friends since high school, and began making records together a decade ago. We have been so fortunate to tour the world together, while at the same time having a massive amount of laughs at one another's expense.

Aside from Charlie's singular genius and musical gifts, I can tell you that he was a total sweetheart of a guy, and a loving friend and confidant to people everywhere. His musicianship was surpassed only by his greater gift to the world - his warmth, his generosity, his unquenchable humor, and his undying loyalty to those whom he loved. In the spirit of honorable mention, however, I should mention that he had a shoe collection that was marvelous, knowledge of hip-hop that was profound, and knowledge of wine that was subtle.

He is survived by a sister, a neice, a nephew, his mother, his stepfather, me, and more adoring friends than the Universe has dark matter. As such, his family and I ask for your discretion and consideration of our privacy during these extremely turbulent waters.

Yours in Music,

Joshua Eustis



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