Liquid Drop Groove

  2004年よりキャリアをスタート。アーティスト活動を軸に、オーガナイザー・レーベルA&R・ブッキング等、現在は多角的にPSYCHEDELIC TECHNOを仕掛けるプロデューサーも担う。
2016年、「波紋状の音と空間」をコンセプトにレーベル兼プロダクションLiquid Drop Grooveを発足、2020年のパンデミック中に脚光を浴びる。2021年には「天空の楽園」をコンセプトとした野外フェスEDEN 、DJ Nobuとシーンの変革に一石を投じるべくSPECTACLE、そして2023年はNESSが主軸のThe Gods Planetとバイナルレーベルをローンチ。テーマに沿ってPodcastや動画の配信など、テクノシーンに置いても異端児として根付く。
メインアクティビティとするDJでは、TECHNOだけに限らずジャンルの垣根を超えたシネマティック且つPSYCHEDELICなプレイで世界20ヶ国を渡り歩く。ネットラジオの絶対的な存在であるロンドンNTS Radioを筆頭に、世界のコアな層に届けるマニアックなプログラムにもミックスを提供。山頂瞑想茶屋とのプロジェクトYuta Chayaを始め、Liquid Drop Grooveから良質な楽曲リリースが多数控えている。

YUTA is a DJ / Organizer / Label A&R in Japan, started his career since 2004.

His visions are transformation from Retro Goa Trance DJ under the legendary MATSURI label, to the one and only his Psychedelic Techno project Liquid Drop Groove.

YUTA has started "Agaitida" in 2015, based in Okinawa in world heritage village with a beautiful sunset location. The theme is bridge to Southeast Asia.

Psychedelic Techno label Liquid Drop Groove was established in 2016, concept is a vision to create a space and sound that ripple made by a drop on the surface. 

In 2021, YUTA has launched SPECTACLE, a techno festival with DJ Nobu. Like its name, it will be a big event.

He provides mixes for London's NTS Radio that one of the best internet radio, and for maniac podcasts that reach a core audience around the world. He also runs to quality releases on Liquid Drop Groove, and managing podcasts and downbeat videos. A new wave in the techno scene by an original style.

His music describes as PSYCHEDELIC with build up and cinematic flow comes from his huge experience as an artist, performing at greatest festivals such as Eclipse Festival (Australia/Indonesia/USA), Ozora (Hungary), Modem (Croatia), Tribal Gathering (Panama) etc. And numerous clubs in Asia and some Europe.

"Life = psychedelic" is a phrase he values.